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Pup Talk The Podcast

Mar 29, 2022

Don't Walk Your Dog Day is happening Saturday April 2nd 2022. Not all dogs thrive on walks, but what else can you do to have calm and happy dogs?

Here's how you can get involved -

'Grab & go' social media posts -

Join in the home games and enrichment session...

Mar 18, 2022

As Karen's dog Bailey was getting older, she wanted to be able to work from home to spend more time with him. After some research identified a gap in the market, Luxury Dog Hampers was born. 

Karen now has 2 very different dogs. Bertie, a teenage Working Border Collie and Arthur, 5-year-old Newfoundland. So we also...

Mar 4, 2022

I'm chatting with Sarah Jones, founder of My Anxious Dog. Her Working Cocker, Bella, had a nasty incident with a dog when she was younger and she became very nervous about other dogs.

Working with behaviourists helped, but the clear visual signal of wearing yellow has made life much easier for both of them.
